Digital Mobile Radio
あらゆる産業向けの3種類の双方向無線機 May 17,2023.
    双方向無線は、建設、接客業、公安、運輸などの業界において不可欠なコミュニケーション ツールです。これらはリアルタイム通信を提供し、現場の個人の生産性と安全性を向上させます。いくつかのオプションが利用できるため、業界で利用できるさまざまなタイプの双方向無線機を理解することが重要です。ここでは、あらゆる業界向けの 3 種類の双方向無線機を紹介します。

1. 携帯無線機

    ハンドヘルド双方向無線機は、建設や公共安全などの業界に最適です。ポータブルでありながら、過酷な環境に耐えられるよう頑丈に設計されています。ハンドヘルド ラジオは、バッテリー寿命が長く、クリアな音声が得られ、最大数マイルの通信範囲を提供します。高度な機能を備えた大型のプロフェッショナル モデルから、使いやすい小型の消費者向けオプションまで、さまざまなサイズがあります。

2. In-Vehicle Radios

    In-vehicle radios are suitable for fleets, such as taxi businesses, public transportation, and delivery vehicles. These radios come with a base unit and a mobile unit that can be installed in a vehicle. They offer a longer range than handheld radios and are designed to be easily mounted in a car, truck, or other types of vehicles.

    In-vehicle radios are ideal for businesses that have multiple vehicles and need to communicate on the move. They can also be used by large events, such as concerts and festivals, to manage parking and traffic control.

3. Base Station Radios

    Base station radios are suitable for businesses with a fixed location, such as hotels, amusement parks, and manufacturing plants. They come with a base unit that is connected to an antenna and offer a more stable and reliable communication system.

    Base station radios can cover a larger area, such as a hotel or factory floor, and they allow for multiple users to communicate at once. They are ideal for businesses that need constant communication between multiple departments or employees in a fixed location.


    Two-way radios play a crucial role in many industries, offering reliable communication, improved productivity, and safety. When choosing a two-way radio for your business, it is important to consider your industry, location, and communication needs. Handheld, in-vehicle, and base station radios are the three most common types of two-way radios and can be used across a variety of industries. Choose the type that is most suitable for your needs and get in touch with a reputable supplier.


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